I feel like Andy Dufresne from Shawshank my room is so small. As you can see by the attached video Emilia and I will be in close quarters for the next 21 days. Good news is that the final cleanse has begun and I am 7 days out from getting my new immune system. Hydration today, 6 days of fun chemo begins tomorrow and then I get the cells on the 26th. Then another 2 weeks in the hospital until my counts are up. 2 weeks at a hotel close by for daily blood tests then I should be able to go home for house arrest for a few months. Doc thinks I will feel relatively decent by Halloween and by mid January will feel like I did before I had cancer.
I am surprisingly calm, now that I am finally in the room. Think knowing that this is the final stretch helps. I am also amazingly tired given all of the stress of the past few months to get to this point. From Aidan being in the hospital twice, 3 rounds of chemo, fits and starts with the doctors, too many tests to count . To be honest I think it is a true miracle I sit here today in complete remission and able to begin this journey. I truly feel it is only through the prayers of others that I even had a chance.
Everyone has different experiences with stem cell, for a lucky few boredom is the worst element, for most others they puke themselves silly and are unable to make it to the bathroom on time. Regardless it makes you tired and not too up for typing or e-mailing. Given I am stuck inside in a room and the halls of the 11th floor here at MD Anderson for the next 21 days be great if folks could send on any funny you tube videos or articles they find to help pass the time. charles.a.cavanaugh@gmail.com Thanks so much for all of the prayers, could use some of those too.
Please pray for the A man as well. He is off on an adventure with his abuela and a few of Emilia's aunts to Guadalajara for some therapy and nice weather. It kills me being away from him for so long but I am excited for the day he and I are back under the same roof and laughing at dinosaur train videos.