Laughter is the best medicine

Cancer really isn't that funny. It isn't even fun. But funny things happen along the way to beating it. For example, during my last go around with Hodgkin's I was on the same treatment schedule as Bill Cosby's slightly older sister Bunny. I really don't think she was his older sister but it sure made me laugh to see her smiling full mustache and all every time I went in for treatment.

The purpose of this blog then is to share the funny events that take place while I beat cancer as well as keep folks up to date on my treatments, progress and banana flavored barium intake schedule. Please feel free to share funny things in the comments section as well, as everyone needs a good laugh.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

7.9M cells

Got the call a bit early that I was ready for collection(Hey so can you come down here in about 14 minutes to get this procedure done) so yesterday they sucked out 7.9M stem cells from me. Doc said they needed just 5M so I feel very lucky not to have to go back for a 2nd day of collection. The nurse was great, explaining the whole procedure to me, showing me the machine and everything. Apparently at one time they only have 2 cups of your blood outside of your body being scrubbed for stem cells as anymore would make you faint. Only side effect was feeling very cold given the blood outside your body isn't kept as warm as the cozy 98.6 we all keep it. I woke up feeling like I was 90 and tired but a nice 5 hr nap this afternoon has gotten me back on my feet. And thank God no more shots so no more migraines or feeling like I was hit by a bat.

If all goes well with the PET I had today those cells will be coming back into me to rebuild my immune system sometime mid to late July. Its a relief to get those cells stored as it means my bone marrow is still strong and even if more chemo is necessary that hurts the bone marrow the cells will be there ready for when I go into remission.

Tomorrow have an EKG, some more blood tests and a CT(moon river!!) and Friday meet with my doc to see how everything looks. Thankfully I think then they are going to let me go home for a week. A week that will amazingly include the 4th of July--my favorite holiday given I get to blow things up. After living 12 years in New York where sparklers are outlawed I am excited to have the no holds barred fireworks' laws of Texas come into play where everything short of dynamite is allowed. It will be Aidan's first real 4th of July as well so excited to see if the pyro thing is hereditary. So if any of you see a news story about an unidentified texas man launched to the moon on the 4th, you know who they are talking about.

All the best, Stem Cell Charlie.


  1. Keep smiling and fighting with everything you've got. You and your family are in my prayers daily.

    God bless all of you.


  2. Great news today! Congratulations

  3. Hey Charles! Just reading back through your blog entries and had to laugh at this one about the 4th. Honestly one of my most memorable 4th of July experiences was at your house in high school. We stood on the deck and you blew up watermelons in the yard below. My mother is terrified of fireworks, so I'd never seen anything like this hilarious display of fire power put on by you. It will be my prayer for you that next 4th of July you are back to 100% health and blowing things up to celebrate. xo Jessica
